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Quora Marketing Strategy: The Ultimate Guide To Quora Traffic

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Hello, it’s time to fly up your marketing strategies with Quora. If you were looking for a Quora marketing strategy then this article is going to be fine and nice for you. This post works fine for the one who wants to use Quora as a marketing vessel. If you are the one, then you are at the right place.

This is a full ultimate guide to Quora marketing. It grinds down steps to grow Quora traffic while also using the traffic to achieve your marketing objectives.


This ultimate guide covers the following tips.

So now let’s dive inside the guide


The internet is always, therefore, anyone who has the ability, can exploit it and make value from it. Its free accessibility has increased unexpected hardship to get customers online. The competition rises due to some reasons. Some of those reasons are; Influx searching for customers, an increased desire to sell products online, the need to grow brand awareness and reputation and also providing services and making money. All these reasons pave the way for digital marketing to be so hard.

There are so many vessels that support digital marketing achievement. Samples of those vessels are online platforms, social media apps and websites. It’s supported by different practices like content marketing, SEO, Email marketing, Social media posts, ads and DM marketing, keyword research, etc.

There are so many social media apps and platforms out there, that might help you to easily leverage your income online. It sounds so crazy but that is the truth.

Whether you are a business owner, a blogger, or a freelancer marketer, you can still benefit from these platforms. Quora is among them. It’s another online platform which is free to use. It can help you to raise and grow your reputation and sales online.

Do you know what is Quora, and how it works? And where are the benefits of using it? Let’s dive into it.

What is Quora and Quora marketing?

It’s an online platform that acts in multiple ways to support users’ objectives. Those ways are as follows. Number one, Posting normal posts like blog posts and other social media posts. Second, Asking and answering questions. Third, by creating your space, a blog place which you can manage write, grow traffic and monetise it.

By referring to the data on Wikipedia Quora refers to a social question and answers website. This is how developers define it.

According to my inner research, I found that Quora goes beyond the data on Wikipedia. It’s because it has other important services. For example, It allows users to write their posts and present their ideas, marketing and promoting apart from answering and asking questions. And also to own blogs called Quora spaces.

Also with this platform, you can create your space.

What is a Quora space?

Simplilearn.com defined Quora space as a feature that allows you to create a community of people around a specific topic or niche. This feature is similar to the Facebook groups but not the same as it. Because users in Quora space do not all have the right to contribute a post until they are allowed by a moderator. This is not identical to the Facebook group where everyone can contribute a post.

I think you are now aware of what is this platform we are talking about. Now let’s dive deep in

What is Quora Marketing?

Refer to the use of the platform to achieve marketing objectives. Quora is among the unique platforms which can easily support you in reaching your marketing plans. It offers different features to easier your marketing journey. Through using its features effectively and consistently, you can arrive at your goals of growing brand awareness and reputation and selling via it.

Quora work fine for a business located on the internet. If you want to grow and make sales with your local business, it will take hard work and effort. But if you have a blog, e-commerce, or affiliate links, you will enjoy using this platform and get the intended results.

Statistics for a Quora Traffic

Since it was made available to the public on June 21 2010, Quora has been dramatically growing and increasing its organic traffic day after day. Now it’s among the best platforms that receive enough traffic and even sends its traffic to other platforms.

This year, Quora traffic exploded by 4.2%. Up to September 2022, Quora had more than 300 million monthly active users.

It is a good number if you are looking to use Quora for marketing. Because number guarantees you decent traffic and engagement to your business or blog.

Why you should choose Quora marketing strategy

If you are looking to grow your brand awareness, receive blog traffic, or expand your email marketing strategy then Quora sounds nice to be your hearty choice.

You won’t understand this sentence but, choosing and investing your effort in it will provide you with everlasting traffic.

Here are a few shortly explained reasons.

Every single month, more than 300 million dedicated and staved researchers, product evaluators, answers seekers, and knowledge finders visit the platform to solve their needs and problems. This means it’s a place where visitors go for the strong purpose commonly dedicated to solving their issues.

It is full of questions and answers. This provides evidence that; People visit it in search of new ideas, concepts, or thoughts. And that most of the visitors intend to discover new products or new things. That is why they ask questions intending to receive thoughts and ideas to feed their intentions.

Quora offers a room to develop and grow your community or audiences through creating your space (a Quora blog)

The other great advantage of why you should opt for Quora for marketing is that. It shows and sends personalised content according to your interest directly to your email. If you want to learn about music quora won’t bring sports or business-related content to your computer screen. You will always see what you want to learn.

Take an example, you have signed up for an account. When signing up you will be asked to pinpoint your interest and your occupations.

After defining where you belong. The platform will always be optimising content related to your choices. This is more important because you won’t be flooded by irrelevant content. Therefore you will have a chance to see what your competitors are doing, and easily identify the gaps or paths to score your competitors.

So this is why you should opt for it if you are looking for serious, determined and focused customers to redirect them to your business, company or website.

How to join Quora and start marketing

We have discussed a little bit about how useful it is, its traffic and why you should think about it. Now you would have an interest in joining it. Launching your account on Quora is not even hard. It may take you 5 to 10 minutes to get started and it is even free.

Here are some easy steps.

Install an application on your phone.

Whether you are using an Android phone or iPhone, you will be required to open the respective applications store, Appstore for iPhone and Google Play store for Android phones. Then search for Quora, The application will appear like how you see in this image below then click install.

If you are using a laptop or a computer desktop. You can sign up directly through a Quora website to get started to check this post.

After an app is installed, then open the app and follow the instructions as you are directed by the app. More about setting in an attractive quota produce watch this video below.

A video explaining how to create an account on Quora and set up a perfect Quora profile.

So if your account is already set, then you can start using your account. There are decent ways to achieve that. Some of those ways are; connecting it to other people by following them, writing killer posts and answering questions thoughtfully to grow trust. And also, grow yourself with positive and helpful answers given by other authors.

In addition, to grow with this platform consistency is key. Because you won’t see results if you don’t consistently engage and connect to your audiences.

Another thing is that. Do not answer everything on Quora, but instead define your niche and consistently engage yourself in such a niche. This tactic helps to keep yourself defined by your audiences, create a chance for your audience to trust you and also grow your community.

Best free Quora marketing strategy

This is a core point on this topic. After what you have learned above. Now you are asking yourself how to reach, attract, engage and influence customers with this platform. There are several ways to play to change Quora in a marketing place.

Then, here are some of the things you must do, to change your Quora account to a marketplace.

1. Create an attractive or killer profile

Attraction is everything in marketing, as recommended in other social media to have a good brilliant bio/profile, also you need it on this platform.

Now, how do you create a nice attractive profile with In Quora?

Creating a nice profile starts by identifying your niche. Knowing your place of occupation is very important before thinking about an attractive profile. Some profitable niches online include personal finance, digital marketing, blogging, personal development and motivation.

Choose your niche, and provide a quality short description of yourself and your company.

Quora will always show the first 50 characters available in your profile description as a tagline for your customers and audiences. So good, powerful words and hook words sound nice.

Important, Quora differentiate itself from other platforms by offering its clients a place to describe their experience. Therefore in that area explain yourself as much as you can, and show your previous occupation, and projects you once managed. Make sure your profile is full of the following hits

  • Your interest
  • Detailed information about who is you.
  • Your employment and education history
  • Your nice profile picture.
  • And your location to attract customers to your office.

A detailed profile helps to be found in Quora searches and increases engagement. Be serious with your profile.

2. Create a Quora Space and use it effectively

Quora has a feature that helps you to create your place where you will be engaging your community. It’s like a blog. I call it a blog. It helps you to invite contributors, and audiences and engage them consistently on a certain niche.

It’s a valuable place to distribute your content, grow a community and even engage your community. No one will control you, you will have the ability to control other contributors and even decide what should they post to your space.

With a Quora space, you will have room to promote your products and share your thoughts, directly with an audience hence growing trust in your products and services.

3. Join and contribute to other people’s Quora Space

This is another means to grow with Quora. Engage yourself in other people’s Quora space. Contribute your thoughts and ideas. This helps to increase the number of followers, or audience on your account.

4. Follow topics related to your industry

If your account is all set and ready to work. Now connect your account to other popular accounts in your niche. After that, now you will be required to follow topics on your niche.

Now, how to get a related topic you should follow?

Go to a service place on the Quora dashboard then type words on your niche to see other spaces you would like to follow.

Then select a topic of your interest then lick it.

Then click those spaces, and then click the follow button if you want to get connected or if you want to follow them.

5. Choose a quality question to answer

This is among the best Quora marketing strategies that will help you to grow suddenly your traffic, trust and engagement. Answering questions on Quora means providing value to your audiences.

If your answers to the questions become so detailed, helpful and useful you will have enough followers, and grow your reputation on the platform which is nice for marketers.

Why you should consider answering Quora Questions?

Most people use Quora questions as a way to conduct their research. Therefore you will be able to understand what people need and what topic most people need solutions to.

Therefore, by answering questions you will be giving value to people with problems and insights to researchers. The more your answers helpful will be, the more changing and growing you will.

How does Quora support your marketing achievement?

Aiming for a Quora marketing strategy is powerful. It’s powerful because the platform helps you to understand what people are searching for or what people need. This helps to reduce spending a big budget on market research, preparations of surveys and time to collect and analyse your data.

With it, you will easily understand what people are looking for in your niche. So by taking advantage of questions and answers, you will know people’s needs and interests. Also, it helps to understand what people are thinking.

For example, you find a person who is asking “What are the best ways to get visitors to my blog” Directly you will understand his need. Determine the number of people who have followed such a question. If a number is so high means there is a high number of people who are looking for solutions. So it will be so worth writing about it.

Remember, following other people in your niche, helps to spy and understand what they are doing, and this makes it easy to take advantage of their weaknesses. Also, remember success happens when you defeat your competitor.


Hey, thanks for your time.

I think you enjoyed reading this guide to Quora’s marketing strategy.

Now I would like to hear from you, have you ever tried Quora for marketing purposes before? How was it? What waere the challengs?

Please write down your answers via the comment box below and I will turn to you soon after you have written your question or thoughts. And if you have some challenges I will provide you with practical solutions to solve your problems according to my experience. Welcome

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